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About Jill

Jill Hunter has changed careers, industries and has a resume full of gaps and overlaps. She is good at helping people revise resumes, prepare for interviews, and figure out what unique strengths they offer future employers.

Jill’s professional career can be described as a spiral where the center of the spiral is her career as a pharmacist. It started as a staff pharmacist promoted to pharmacy manager, later to IV Supervisor, and finally Director of Pharmacy (AKA Director of Operations).

Overlay that career spiral with another spiral, with the center as her MBA degree. She has worked her way up from marketing product manager to senior product manager then carried the bag as a sales representative.

The third spiral that overlays her career map is her entrepreneurial journey. Jill’s first venture was a brick-and-mortar store with a small online presence. UpLevel To Lead is her second business and is more successful because of everything she has learned along the way.

Jill has finally created a way to be authentically herself every day at work. She does not have to put the pharmacist part of herself in a box and leave the box outside her office every day. She has clients who work with her because she knows healthcare, the lingo, and the politics. Another set of clients wants to use her for her business brain. They need someone to translate what they do at work into a story that makes sense to a hiring manager and HR. Some of her clients are entrepreneurs and need help deciding whether to work for someone else or themselves.

She has been an empath since she was a child. Jill has had no words or understanding of why she felt the things she did. In the past 5 years, she has really evolved and learned how to harness her gift. Jill teaches fellow empaths how to navigate the corporate world as an employee, boss, and interviewee. She helps you identify a culture where you can thrive.

Her clients appreciate her for being all of herself. She teaches them how to be whole themselves. Her journey is her client’s journey… How to get paid to be you all day every day… Not to get paid for only a portion of who you are.

The information, including but not limited to, video interviews, emails, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your professional or other qualified providers with any questions you may have regarding a condition or treatment and before undertaking a new lifestyle choice or health regimen, and never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or watched on this website.


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